The education of even a small child does not aim at preparing him for school but for life.
The Toddler classroom is for those aged 18 months to 36 months, encourages maximum independence and begins their hands on journey into the Pre-School/Primary room. During the Toddler’s class journey they will learn, naming only a few: the proper use of a chair, how to prepare a mat, how to correctly hold and carry a tray, to form a line, and to respond to the small sound of a bell. Here your child will find a nurturing social community in a uniquely prepared environment designed to appeal to the child’s curiosity. As children learn to work together in the classroom, they are gently guided in a manner, which enhances their innate sense of independence, order, respect, and kindness. An emphasis on the importance of a peaceful environment is characteristic of this program.
-Maria Montessori
Kingston Montessori Academy